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![]() December 1998 Scout Fair Success Thanks to all who helped with the Pack's box hockey booth at the Scout Fair last Saturday. As usual, the Scout Fair offered an overwhelming array of activities and displays. If you missed it, be sure to make a note to attend -- and participate -- next year. Special thanks go to Joe Larrow for coordinating the booth -- and to Kathy Cortright for providing guidance for all concerned. A Time for Giving In the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season, we need to try to stay focused on the true meaning of what we are celebrating. The Pack attempts to do that each year by helping families who are in need of some extra assistance in order to have a happy holiday season. ![]() Pinewood Derby Prep Looking past the holidays, January is always Pinewood Derby month. Our workshop will be open on Saturday, January 9, from 9:00 to noon in the Scout House. A band saw, drill, belt sander, and hand sander will be available for you to use in roughing out your car. The more work stations the better, so if you have such equipment that you can provide for the morning, please call John Stavinoha (661-0159), our Derby coordinator, and let him know. The Derby itself will take place in the gym on Saturday, January 23. Tigers will race first at 8:30, with Wolves at 10:00, Bears at 11:00, 1st year Webelos at noon, and 2nd year Webelos at 1:00. A major change this year is that within each group of boys there will be two categories of cars -- standard and modified. A standard car must use the wheelbase that is provided with the block of wood that comes in the kit. A modified car can have a lengthened wheelbase. In all other respects, the same tinkering can be done with each type of car, but the hope is that this change will provide for more even competition. In order to make sure that the races run as smoothly and quickly as possible, please plan to come to the gym the night before to have your car weighed. That way you will be able to make weight adjustments before coming to the gym on Saturday morning. We will have our own, properly-calibrated, scale this year, so the weighing-in process will be accurate. We will also have the track available for test runs. (The exact times for our Friday activities will be provided next month.) It is very important that you make sure that your car is the proper weight and that it can get down the track in one piece before the racing starts, because this year cars will not be allowed to race if they have weights falling off them, if wheels come off during a race, if there is wet paint on them, or there are other problems of that nature. ![]() The other activity on the horizon for January (the weekend of January 16-17) is the postponed Webelos Woods campout for 1st and 2nd year Webelos. The campout will still be at Camp Brosig, and will follow the original schedule. Our three Webelos dens will be camping with Troop 505, which will provide our meals. January Pack Meeting Rescheduled Please remember that the January Pack meeting will be delayed one week, from January 14 to January 21, because of the Golden Arrow District Awards Dinner taking place on the 14th. Likewise, the January Pack committee meeting will be moved back one week, from the 21st to the 28th. Scout Sunday (Saturday) Looking further ahead, the Pack will observe Scout Sunday at the 5:00 p.m. Mass on Saturday, February 5. We ask all boys to attend, in full uniform. The boys and the adult leaders (together with representatives of Troop 505) will enter together in a procession and sit at the front of the church. Blue & Gold Finally, be sure your calendar is marked for the Blue and Gold Banquet on Thursday, February 11, in the Parish Family Center. ![]() ![]() |
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