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![]() May 1999 RE-REGISTRATION 1999-2000 Thanks to all who re-registered on time. It's not too late for those of you who did not. If you know of any boys who are interested in Scouting, they can do so at any time of the year. They do not need to wait till September. Have them contact Kathy Cortright at (713)667-7865 or kcortr7997@aol.com. RELIGIOUS EMBLEM AWARD Some Scouts have been working on their Religious Awards. This is a family oriented program. For more information on this project, please contact your den leader and he/she will arrange for you to receive a booklet pertaining to your particular Faith. This is a great summer time activity for you and your son. SUMMER ACTIVITIES The fun doesn't end here! Dont forget to join the Pack during our three fun-filled activities during the summer months. Mark your calendar for the following: WATER BALLOON BATTLE June 20 - 2p-3:30p, S.V.D.P. Field What a great way to cool off! Recommended ammunition: 50 water filled balloons per scout. (Bring your own filled balloons, and super soakers.) Thanks again to our brave chief warrior Hugh Idstein for undertaking this H2O experience. PALACE LANES BOWLING July 11 - 2p-?, Palace Lanes, Bellaire Blvd. $2 per game for adults & children. Palace Lanes request you bowl in your socks. Gutter guards will be in place for the younger boys. Get out of the heat and have some old fashioned fun! Thanks to Jeff Klemm for putting together this striking event. ELLINGTON AIR NATIONAL GUARD BASE August 14 - Time TBA What a thrill for the boys! Leif Peterson is arranging a very special tour of these facilities for us. This is a field trip that shouldn't be missed. Thank you Leif. We are looking forward to this event. |
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Sam Houston Area Council B.S.A. Pack 505 |